
Running Trick: Getting People to Move Without a Word


A crowd of runners in a race.

One of my most important and awkward things while running is letting people know I’m behind them. Especially when I’m on trails, people don’t hear me coming at all, and I always startle them. It’s very awkward. It’s the only time that I made a guy with a teardrop tattoo jump, it was funny to me, but I’m sure he was embarrassed, mainly because he was on a romantic walk with his girlfriend—Oops! 

I’ve always hated saying things to people out loud. I never know what to say, especially to non-runners, “On your left,” or “Coming from behind.” Whatever I say, it always seems awkward, but I finally found a solution. 

Of course, my idea came as they always do during a run. I thought there’s got to be a way to let people know that I’m behind them without saying a word. I know there are bells I could’ve worn, but they constantly make noise, and I didn’t want that. On the trails that I run there are a lot of mountain bikers, and they let me know that they’re coming by ringing their bell. That gave me an Idea. 

I scoured Amazon—not very long—and found a pack of 2 bike bells. They work like a charm. The ring part of the bell that’s intended for the handlebars is perfect for putting a finger through it to get good leverage to ring the bell. Now, I don’t say anything but just ring the bell as I approach others on the trails.

Bike Bell From Amazon

The only negative thing about this is that now people not only move out of the way, but they jump out of the way—they think I’m a bike now! 

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